have you heard or read up to 50% or 80% off?

Have You Heard or Read up to 50% or 80% Off?

We have been coming across such banners and announcements for a long time but whenever we happen to jump into the store, we hardly find anything that is up to 50% off.

If we think from the perspective of the business, then we will find why it makes sense for them to write so.

They happen to use these tactics to grab your attention and bring you into the store. And the criteria for that is to have any commodity in the store for sale that has a 50% discount.

Now that can even be a pencil but you will come into the store thinking that most items will be available at 50% discount which is not true at all.

However, when we look at Amazon sales, we find that things are different. You will get great discounts already! You can use the Amazon coupon code at the checkout to enjoy additional discounts.

How many times have you heard or read up to 50% or 80% off

So, our post today will revolve around the same theme and we will be discussing the perspective behind such tactics and what we can do to get nearly as much discount.

Think About Up To Discounts As A Business

Think about it as a business. As a business, you want to make sure that you sell most of your items.

But, to do that you have to bring in more customers by writing something catchy,  something that can grab the attention and hook readers.

So, what happens is when you see up to 80% off on a banner, you immediately want to jump in, browse through the collection, grab your favorites, and enjoy huge discounts.

However, as soon as you jump in, you see that most of the items stand at a 45% to 65% discount. But, didn’t you read 80% off on the banner?

Look, here is what happens. First of all, they mentioned, “up to 80% off”. That means that there are 1-2 or up to 4 or 5 items that are available at an 80% discount. Other items stand at 50 to 65%  discounts.

So, why did they write up to 80% off on the banner? That’s because they have some items available at 80% off and so it is on the basis of these items they usually write up to 80% off.

This is a technique that stores use to grab people’s attention and to convert some of them to their customers.

Hence, up to 80% off on everything.

The key to all of the information that is shared above lies in two words that are “up to”.

However, if you are tired of these tactics and you want to enjoy legit discounts at use percentage, then you can consider visiting Amazon and using the Amazon Coupon code at the checkout to get an extra discount on your purchase.

What’s The Difference Between Up To & Flat Discounts?

Flat Discounts are the ones that come to your mind whenever “up to” gets mentioned.

Always remember, flat discount means that the given percentage applies to everything that you can find in the store or at least on every product or service of the category that is mentioned with the word “flat”.

So, the next time you see the word “flat”, you should know that the discount percentage does not vary.

However, when we talk about “up to”, the discount percentages vary.

Now generally, stores that mention up to discounts fall below the percentages that they mention.

How To Actually Save Nearly As Much As 80%?

We get it, you wanted an 80% discount on your purchase but as soon as you landed in the store, you are not able to see a single product that is even near 80%.

Most of the products are available at a 55% to 65% discount. But, you want an 80% discount, right? So, the question now is how are you going to get it?

Well, here is a way that you can use if you want to get an 80% discount on your order.

You go to the store and scroll down the collection of products that are available in the store. Then, you pick the one that you need.

Now, once you pick an item that you need and it’s available at let’s say 60% discount, then you can use a coupon code on your way to the checkout to get that extra 10% off on your purchase.

Then you can make it at least 70% which is near to 80% off.

Coupon codes are one of the best ways that let you enjoy additional discounts on the already discounted items.

If you are looking for similar discounts, consider checking Amazon Coupon Code.

Extra Off Amazon Coupon Code

Amazon is the biggest online store in the world today. But before this, it was just a platform to connect buyers with sellers. Now, of course, that is what it is, but except for the fact that it has now expanded at an unimaginable rate.

However, let’s get back to the point. If you want to get up to 80% off on your orders, first of all, wait until the store announces its sales day.

Once it is announced then you land straight to the review code and look for amazing coupon codes they will let you enjoy valuable discounts.

Using Amazon coupon codes to your aid and getting discounts on the already discounted item is an effective tactic to be able to afford most items at low prices.

Last Words…

Gearing up for an 80% discount is amazing news and everybody wants that to happen.

But, what we need to focus on is playing our role and making sure that if we land on the store and we get to see up to 60% discount let say 65% at max, then what is our game plan to make it up to 75% or near to 80% off.

Look, the point of the story isn’t to focus on getting 80% or 70% off.

The point of the story is to have a game plan so that when you are faced with an unexpected situation then you have a game plan to achieve a desirable goal.